January 21, 2008

Where For Art Though, Wedding-O?

Driving directions normally sound about as foreign as Swahili to me (and no, I don't speak any form of Swahili). . . My father used to say that I am so directionally-challenged that I would have trouble finding my way out of a brown paper bag. Now, while this may be true, there is hope.

I can, in fact, make it to all of your weddings without getting myself lost (or at least not so lost that I'd miss the ceremony or a vital part of the open bar). The solution: You must all register for Wedding Mapper.

This handy, dandy little website allows brides and grooms to highlight the major locations of their nuptials. This includes (but is by no means limited to) the church/ceremony location, the reception venue, and nearby hotels. It details driving directions & times for getting from one place to the next so that you can arrive without a problem.

You can also include such things as nearby coffee shops, convenient stores and gas stations so that your guests know where the nearest necessaries are.

Loving this idea.
Would love it more if everyone did it -- I mean, even if you just did it for me, it'd be helpful. Or what if you print these out (instead of using the online version) and included them with the invites! So freakin' cute.

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